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- _Installing a Boca 16-port serial card (Boca 2016) with Linux_
- Last updated 1 August 1997
- This HOWTO is being maintained by David H Dennis, david@freelink.net,
- to try and help any other individuals who may have acquired a
- BocaBoard, stared at it and found out that it didn't seem to do
- anything.
- A very high percentage of those interested in the BocaBoard are also
- interested in becoming Internet Service Providers (ISPs). If you are
- one of them, please feel free to drop by my web site,
- http://www.amazing.com , and check out my Inet-Access FAQ, over 9,000
- lines detailing how to hook up to the net and how to make your
- Internet provider business succeed in these most interesting times.
- Kevin Traas has issued a helpful update to this FAQ that contains a
- major correction to the information on mknod. He is also standing in
- as a new source for cables for the device.
- W a r n i n g !
- _Multi-Port serial cards, such as the BocaBoard, are all but dead._ If
- you are in business as an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you will
- _not_ want to use any of these devices, because the new 56k modem
- standards will not support them. Instead, you need digital
- modem/terminal server combinations such as the Livingston PM3, Cisco
- 5200 or US Robotics Total Control. Otherwise, you simply won't be
- competitive in major markets. Users want high speeds; you won't be
- able to provide them with a BocaBoard or other multi-port serial card.
- _Even as a multi-port serial card, the BocaBoard is hopelessly
- obsolete._ The overwhelming majority of people who want to buy a
- BocaBoard would be better off getting a accelerated card such as the
- Cyclades or Rocketport. (When last I looked, Rocketport was a better
- board, but Cyclades had the most stable kernel support). Accelerated
- cards use less of the CPU of your machine, and so you can support more
- ports per computer with less performance degradation.
- That being said, perhaps you own one of these devices and want to make
- use of it, or perhaps you are planning an ISP based on a low-cost
- business model that basically means the use of cast-off equipment from
- others. In that case, the information in this document should be
- useful for you. But again, I repeat: _The person who buys a new
- BocaBoard at this point probably needs a few more clues before
- starting his ISP or other venture._
- The information here was obtained by begging many people for help.
- Unfortunately, I have forgotten their names due to a pressing need for
- disk space on my Netcom account. :-( Nonetheless, I thank them very
- much for their assistance when things looked blackest. This is my way
- of paying some of that back.
- At the end of this document, there is additional information on a
- special $ 80 piece of equipment you will need in addition to your
- BocaBoard, and some comments on Boca customer service and
- availability.
- In outline, the following:
- 1. The board itself and its manuals
- 2. Your Linux source tree
- 3. Patience
- Here's the basic procedure:
- Recompiling The Kernel
- The first step is to change your kernel so that it knows you have a
- BocaBoard. Unfortunately, this is not a part of the configure script;
- you must go in and modify the source by hand. This consists of putting
- the following line at the beginning of linux/drivers/char/serial.c:
- #define CONFIG_BOCA 1
- Well, it used to work that way. As of some kernel version or another,
- this has changed. To make it work with newer kernels, search for the
- "BOCA_FLAGS" #define in serial.c, and change the value to
- You can then recompile your kernel using the instructions included
- with the source tree. I recommend running the new kernel from a floppy
- until you're very sure it works; otherwise, the procedure for getting
- back your system is mind-numbing at best.
- At least to me, digging into my kernel and re-compiling it was quite a
- stressful venture! Relax; as long as you copy it to a floppy, your new
- kernel is completely harmless. It won't bite! Honest! :-)
- Installing The Card
- The default address on both the card and the Linux software for the
- configuration is 0x100; leave that alone. Set the IRQ on the card to
- Linux' default of 12. If you want to change the IRQ, you will have to
- search for "BOCA_FLAGS" in the file. You will find lines like this:
- { BASE_BAUD, 0x100, 12, BOCA_FLAGS }, /* ttyS16 */
- { BASE_BAUD, 0x108, 12, BOCA_FLAGS }, /* ttyS17 */
- ...
- You can change the IRQ from 12 by changing the 12 to any valid IRQ. I
- have not tried this, however.
- Telling Linux About Your Card
- Once you have compiled your new kernel, switch off the machine and
- install the card. Then, turn your machine on with the new kernel
- floppy in the drive. If the installation succeeded, you should see all
- sorts of strange stuff about 16550 UARTS being connected to
- ttyS16-ttyS32. The system will then come up normally.
- The odds are pretty good that you don't actually have entries in /dev
- for those lines. Remember that they start at 16 and go on to 32. If
- you look at the source code, you'll see why; support for other cards
- is included in the code for lower line numbers. Creating them is
- pretty simple, once you know the trick.
- To create entries for dial-out lines (where you call out), type:
- mknod /dev/cuaxx c 4 N
- n = 64 + <line number> . The C indicates that this is a character mode
- device. For example, to create the first couple of lines on your
- board, type:
- mknod /dev/cua16 c 4 80
- mknod /dev/cua17 c 4 81
- ...
- To create dial-in lines (where users call you), type
- mknod /dev/ttySxx c 5 n
- where N is the same as described above. For example, to create the
- first couple of lines on your BocaBoard, type:
- mknod /dev/ttyS16 c 5 80
- mknod /dev/ttyS17 c 5 81
- ...
- It is recommended that you create both dial in and dial out lines for
- each port, so that you have maximum flexibility. It turns out to be
- very handy to call another line of your system by activating one of
- your lines as dial-out and calling your main number. I've done this
- already and it works great! It's most useful for checking how things
- look "on the other side of the fence"; I used it to find out how my
- software looked at 2400bps. (It's slower than the Linux console. A LOT
- slower, in fact).
- Once you've finished with this, you can add entries to your inittab
- file in the same way as you would for a standard ttySx entry, and the
- modems or terminals should come up!
- Possible Problems
- If you have problems, you may find that this is due to conflicts
- between your Boca board and systems with dual IDE controllers.
- According to Kevin Traas:
- Is the kernel recognising the board? i.e. Right at the start of the
- boot process, all sixteen ports should be listed onscreen with
- ttySxx, I/O Port, and IRQ identified. Also, `setserial -bg ttyS*`
- should list *every* port in your system.
- By default, the BB2016 is configured to use IO Ports between 0100
- and 017f. This creates problems on systems with two IDE controllers.
- The second controller, ide1, uses 0170-0177 which falls into this
- range. Big problems!!!
- So, the solution, in my cases, is to go with an IO base of 0200
- through 027f. I haven't had any conflicts in this region; however,
- you may want to check you system to be sure. (run `cat
- /proc/ioports` - better run `cat /proc/interrupts` to make sure IRQ
- 12 isn't used either.)
- Once you've found an IO range and IRQ that isn't used, you'll have
- to change the jumpers on the BB2016 and edit
- /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/serial.c to reflect the new settings.
- Then, compile the kernel and install as per normal.
- THE BIG GOTCHA: Something extra you will need, and service comments
- If you want to use your new Boca card with any standard DB-25 RS232
- connector, you will have to get a special breakout box, which costs
- about $ 80. The card itself comes with a breakout box that plugs into
- the card through a truly formidable cable. It then supplies phone-like
- cables for the ports. The special $ 80 box has phone-like cables that
- plug into the breakout box included with the Boca card; you can then
- plug your modems or terminals into standard RS-232 connectors on the
- box. Unless you actually have a system that accepts the phone-like
- connectors, you should add the price of the box to the cost of the
- card when comparing it to other alternatives.
- I got my Boca 2016 card through a special wholesale deal that I don't
- think many people will be able to reproduce. It was available quickly.
- However, the breakout box for RS-232 took about two weeks to ship. You
- should be aware of your need for this box before you acquire the card.
- The 2016 board was $ 235 and the additional box was $ 79.95.
- I've heard that this breakout box is no longer available, and that now
- people just have special cables made. I'm not sure how you would go
- about doing this, though.
- Only one port of my first Boca 2016 worked. I called Boca, expecting
- to hear a long string of questions and advice. When they said, "Linux?
- What's that?" I feared the worst. However, upon hearing my actual
- problem, they cheerfully told me that the card was defective and I
- should send it back; full 5-year factory warranty, 30-days exchange. I
- was struck by how cheery the lady was. It was as though they were
- expecting the worst, and very kindly making the most of it!
- I had my hardware guy exchange the card. Unfortunately, the cards were
- back-ordered and they took about two more weeks to give me my new
- card. I have to say that I was quite annoyed at this, since I was
- anxiously chomping at the bit to get this thing up and running.
- Some people have problems with ports past the first eight. I have
- tested my card up to port 11 and all the ports appear to be working.
- Boca Research quality control may be lacking; I would recommend that
- people with troubles with the card call Boca and deal with them
- directly. I suspect that if I'd exchanged the card directly through
- the factory I would have had better service than through my dealer.
- The factory people were all quite nice and eager to please.
- Right now, I have only four phone lines. I bought the 16-port card for
- two reasons: Because it has modem control, unlike the smaller ones,
- and in anticipation of future expansion.
- Some additional information on this subject from Kevin Traas of Baan
- Business Systems:
- BTW, I've used the BB2016 several times and found to work really
- well under Linux. I'm extremely happy with them. They perform very
- well, are very inexpensive, and are reliable. They claim 115200 bps
- per port. I've got a unique situation whereby I've got two systems
- with a PPP serial link between them. I'm running this link at 115200
- and I experience almost 0% error rate (with hundreds of thousands of
- packets transmitted). My next step is to implement EQL and
- additional PPP links between the boxes to increase the bandwidth...
- We'll see how it goes.
- One final note. Contrary to the suggestion in the Howto, I build my
- own cables for the BB2016 (they've got RJ ports on them). At first,
- I "dabbled" with RJ45-8 conductor plugs, but the BB2016 has RJ48-10
- conductor jacks, so to get full modem support, I ended up going that
- route.
- I now run all 10 wires between the BB2016 and my modems. It works
- great! No problems, no regrets! The only initial problem I had was
- finding a source for RJ48 plugs, 10 conductor wire, and RJ48 to DB25
- adapters..... None of these are very cheap due to the low demand.
- Oh, yeah, and you need an RJ48 crimper as well.
- If you want, I can build these cables for you and send them to you.
- If you're interested, e-mail me and I'll let you know pricing, etc.
- I found building my own was cheaper than the adapter that is
- mentioned in the Howto - which I couldn't find a source for anyway.
- I believe the adapter mentioned in this document is no longer being
- manufacturered, leaving cables such as your own the only remaining way
- of connecting the device.